Why do you make me wait?

by Max   Oct 21, 2006

I miss your smile, for I am so fragile,
You know my deeper workings,
You seem as if you want me,
but turn shy when close to being free.

You give off this tough look, and persona.
I know you\'d be free with me and be your real self,
If only we could shout to the world we wanted eachother.
I feel like i\'m missing something when you are gone.
Like my heart has been ripped form my chest,
My soul feels cold.

I just want to feel the warmth of your arms around me,
The thought of your soft lips makes me flutter,
I feel connected with you and like a piece is missing without you,
I know you feel the same, because you give small hints of your want for me.

The deeper I fall into depression I realize you would make me happy,
maybe not be the answer to all my problems, but at least help me through my problems. I know you feel guilt for what happenend so long ago when you had a moment of weakness, but I FORGIVE YOU! The past was the past, it is nothing more. I know you would not hurt me again...you love me.

So, here I am , I sit and wait.
I sit to see if you will decide to be with me,
I wait for the moment you will kiss me and tell me all is alright.
I would do ALMOST anything to be with you.
I wish you loved me the way I loved you. I can\'t. All I can do is wait, imagine, be patient, I know you love me. I love you xoxoxo


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