I Just Want To Be Thin!

by Simple Sensation   Oct 21, 2006

The battle to be thin,
To be beautiful and
To be perfect
Rages on...

Pictures of models
And there size 0 body's.
Haunts my mind,
I can't think of anything else.

I just want to be thin!
Because if I was a stick:
People would care,
They would love me.

So I starve,
Then I binge,
Then it's a purge
Then it all starts again.

This endless cycle is what I call my life.

21 Oct 2006
Written by F A.

- Ok i know it isnt great, but i thought id post it on hear anyways-


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  • 17 years ago

    by CHOKE

    This wasn't your best poem. i don't know, it just wasn't as deep. I don't know how to explain it; but it's as if it's hiding emotions. anyway it was still a great read, love.

  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Thats so amazing, again it shows your talent very well. x x x

  • 18 years ago

    by waking up inside

    The first line in ur poem is the same in one of mine.. thats so strange.. anyhow, I liked this poem! :) and I can relate.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I thought this was really sad, it really got to me.
    It's a shame so much attention is focused on what a girl looks like nowadays.
    The flow off the poem threw me off at times, but the emotion was there behind it and that's what kept me reading.

  • 18 years ago

    by Naima

    Well as a model I want to say that it's sad how we are bombarding by images of skinny girls. I too wear 0-2 depending on what I'm wearing but you shouldn't allow this to affect you! Keep your head up and smile and feel beautiful. When you love the way you look and you feel confident others will want in on it. The hottest thing is a girl who is confident in who she is and how she feels about herself. The Industry is changing and big is beautiful, healthy girls who aren't stick thin are gorgeous. So don't fret because you may not be as thin as these models, you are lovely just the way you are. Love isn't love if it's physical or shallow. It's deeper than anything you could gaze upon. Learn that and you've almost gotten the key to success in love.
