Snow Children!

by Simple Sensation   Oct 22, 2006

- Hey all, This is my first ever nature poem. So tell me what you think! -

Evergreen trees are covered with there white sprinkles we call snow.
The cold white sheet of snow covers the ground,
Delicate footprints encrusted at the footpath
Leading towards the destination of peoples homes...

Children are clad in warm thermal wear;
Making snowmen, with buttons, and carrots,
You can see the joy in their eyes
As they name the snowman, "Mr Snowy".

Then the children start throwing snowballs at each other
War between the boys and the girls,
Ever single child ends up drenched
As their mothers come out and shout.

Elder neighbours watching nearby smile;
What a beautiful sight
They crave to be young again
Because then they could join in the fun!

For what fun is snow
Without the children enjoying it?

Written by F A
22nd Oct 2006


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  • 17 years ago

    by Robert

    This was a very nice piece a good one in flow and description and clear in message but well done over all I loved your description in this pice very good Plot121

  • 17 years ago

    by Wallace

    Amazing poem, you truly have a talent, keep up the superb work, you're doing. Check out some of my poems when you have the time.

    Best Wishes

  • 17 years ago

    by Brigitte

    A very different over all idea for a poem. Althought nature does inspire us, many poets find it hard to portray somthing so amazing in words. You however, did a splendid job. The syllable counts however weren't very good. Something I like to do is give a copy of my poem to somone else to read, while they read I take careful note as to wear they seem to stumble over words, pause for long amounts of time, or speed up to make the beat keep going. Those places where the person who is reading your poem does that, are usualy where the sllyable counts, or simply how the words sound together is off. I loved the unique discriptions you used throughout your poem, although in a few places the words were a bit cliche.

    Evergreen trees are covered with there white sprinkles we call snow.
    The cold white sheet of snow covers the ground,
    Delicate footprints encrusted at the footpath
    Leading towards the destination of peoples homes...
    ^^^ The opening line to your poem seems to go on for to long, and in the first line "there" should be "their".... I loved how you said that the footprints were encrusted...A very different and disscriptive way to say it. Over all a nice read 5/5 Keep up the effort on poems like these...l know how hard they are

  • 18 years ago

    by Naima

    I like it!

  • 18 years ago

    by -Usmi-

    I rele liked the words u used ... and also the idea of the poem...its great .. keep it up