This year Jeffery would have been 21
Of drinking age that's all about fun
Instead he is gone to heaven you see
He went for our freedom
While protecting you and me
He certainly isn't alone
There is many out there who never come home
A tear falls for the soldiers who loved me
Who gave their lives for freedom
Who loved this country
America is free
America is safe
Because of all the soldiers who are willing to give all so we can be safe
When I see a soldier a tear will fall
I will remember why they do it
And how they risk it all
Jeffery isn't alone and to all the families out there
We lost one too
And America really cares
We love our soldiers
And we pray them home
To their families they need to be
And the war to end so they can come home
If you see our soldiers
Thank him for me
Thank him for you
And our country