The Light Of Its Day

by Christie   Oct 24, 2006

Through all the hatred in your eyes,
Through all my boundless pain inside,
I can't believe u didn't see,
By hurting him your hurting me.

Through all the years u didn't back down,
While others smiled, u stubbornly frowned,
Its almost like u love the sight,
Of tears burning and sadness bright.

Remain alone, between us stay,
For u don't see the light of its day,
Ignorance keeps u in corners dark,
So don't expect the kind remark.

Sheltered words pour from your soul,
A warming smile, inside so cold,
An effect of him? U know thats not true,
Crying pitiless tears in an effort to undo.

But when will these tears not be opaque?
We all know those eyes are masters of fake,
7 years you've hated, you've had your days,
Now its time to put your hatred away.

© Christie 2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Aww. It's so sad. =(

    [By hurting him your hurting me.]
    ^^I loved that line. It made me think of me and my group of friends. There's one of us who is always ditching us for a guy she just met, and he's hurting her. By hurting her, she's hurting all of us. -sigh-

    Aanyways...the poem was great. =) The flow was good, the rhymes were well done, and the imagery was clear. Well done. =) 5/5 xoxo


  • 18 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    You are a very good poet, your work is fantastic i loved it xxx alex xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Fruitloop XxProblem ChildxX

    Hey. i really love this. don't stop.