TaKe A dEeP bReAtH

by Moon Princess   Oct 25, 2006

Take a deep breath,
close the eyes,
slide the razor,
to forget the lies.

Take a deep breath,
put out a smile,
carefully place the eye-liner,
to show some style.

Take a deep breath,
it will be your last,
dive deep under,
to blank out the past.

Take a deep breath,
before you swallow,
so empty inside,
to god dam hollow.

Take a deep breath,
step of the ledge,
one last comment,
to push you over the edge.

Take a deep breath,
clench the fists,
control the anger,
to stop the fits.

Take a deep breath,
before you get your self hung,
do not scream,
to hard to hold your tongue.

Take a deep breath,
it'll be your last,
any of these suicide methods,
will let you forget the past.

+.+ Ummm.....I don't know about this one. I don't really like it, but....umm yer. Plz comment, I always do the same. +.+


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  • 18 years ago

    by ViCTORiA

    You got grr3at skillss wh3n it com3s to writin good job k33p up da good woork


  • 18 years ago

    by *[C]ryingx[A]lone*

    Wow! i loved how much emotion this poem showed! its way good

  • 18 years ago

    by robin milford

    I like this poem very sad deep emotions loved it thanks for your comment on "Death angel"

  • 18 years ago

    by XxFallenxFromxGracexX

    I liked this poem i dnt no why u didnt!! lol its very emotional and i like the way u repeated "take a deep breath"
    luv all ur work!!! 5/5
    Luv FallenxFromxGrace

  • 18 years ago

    by lisha

    Wow... this poem is feeled w lots of emotion. and written nicely.. i felt like i could understand what u were talkin about cuz u made me get the picture n my head... good job!