Drugs always seem the best
They always get you higher than the rest
Higher and higher it seems till your floating in the clouds
Until you start to crash like a plane and come down
Then it seems you will do anything to stay up just a little longer before you hitting the ground
Doing more and more from fear of falling
You end up doing more harm than if you just fell
You hurt yourself and those around
You destroy your brain and your life
You start saying I can quit
But really that is not the case
Because now you Ãre hooked
You cannot stop
Because now you have been high for so long you cannot Stop
Then the high stops
And when one drug will not work
You pick something Stronger and start over again
So the thing to do is say no too drugs so you don not get hooked or dragged in
Screwed up or messed up
Simply say NO!! Do not mess with crack, dip or even alcohol
Contribute do not exploit and make America Drug Free