Hail Devil,Hail High

by Silent Screams   Oct 25, 2006

Look at all of them
with their alienated laughs
there smiling and interacting
how i wish i could bring
my reality upon them
but i sit in the corner dreaming
of hearing them
they think they got it bad
well just wait until they hear my scream it's so deafening,so shrill
this sound will only kill
so burn there happy skins
let them die but first
they must survive the DEVILS HIGH
rip the skin above their heads
pull it down and make them have a frown
cut their veins eat their eyes
then they can't see
their own demise
the flesh is rotting
in a pile on the floor
so i feed it to his majesty
HAIL DEVIL, HAIL HIGH let them all die
i think their starting to get the point
of the ultimate high
waiting,watching as the blood drips to the floor
one drip(i'm slowly losing it),two drip(sanity is starting to go),three drip(oh no,oh no),four drip(there it goes),five drip(insanity has stricken)so my mind decides to hurt them just a little bit more
but still it's not enough
i take their arms and nail them
into their chests
bones break,hearts smash
and all i can do is laugh
the blood is starting to ooze out
but it's not enough
so i'll nail another one in, then another one, and another
until there stuck to the wall
and they can do nothing at all
will you survive

i tired again to write a dark poem...
please rate/comment i'll return the fav thanks so much


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    I thought this was excellent. extremely dark, It kept my absolute attention the whole time reading. The only thing that confused me a bit, is it didn't rhyme in the beginning, then towards the middle and so on, it did. That confused me as a reader, but regardless, you did a good job. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by NannO

    I loved the beginning.. the whole dark aspect of ppl "surviving the Devil's High"
    how fear can motivate u to do things, and not think about the consequences..

    the whole poem gave me an eeire feeling of fear and deviousness at the same time..

    i liked how it made me tense up and my breath get caught in my throat.. even tho uve got no rhyme scheme, it sounded good, and the flow wasnt bad

    however, i felt that by the end, it wasnt consistent as where u started, and that put me off a little, but it was still good, tho u started reli strong

    mm, ur last line was gr8 as an ending, though :D

    keep it up
    take care
    thnx 4 ur comment
    sorry mine is soo overdue

  • 18 years ago

    by V a n i t y V e i n 6 9

    I really loved this poem the way it is You a better dark writer then me!!! So Yeah! 5/5! Keep up the good work!


  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Hey I like your poem it's awesome! Thank you so much for the comment on my poem! Again great job! buh-bye!

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah Emellia

    O.O Um- to be honest... I think you need stanzas.. and a point...
    No offense, but I couldnt understand it. =/
    And it was hard to read. still good job.

    Happy writing

    btw- thanks for the comment.