Every tear I've shed, I've shed for you...
The emotion you created within me, shaped me,
Defined me.
This emotion, this passion, lies within the watery depths of the drops,
Cascading down my face,
Escaping the plain, pale eye from which the were formed.
Every smile, made by you...
The joy of my day,
You showed me a life unreal to me,
A life in which I could only think of you, your touch, your love...
But my dear,
My vessel among the river of nothingness,
You are fading from my sight,
Lost in darkness,
Believing you have other purpose, other belonging...
I can only dream,
Dream of the time you find me,
Save my drowning body from the currents,
And lift my soul from the tide of eternity,
The tides,
Of life...