by Fredy   Oct 26, 2006

Just in time for Halloween,we've got wars and murderers, terrorism and nukes. And then, on November the 1, awaits the same dread as the night before. the spell of real world demons won't be broken as we scrap this season's costumes, masks and candy corn.

What to do? We could turn as always to our TV. Not for reassurance, or even distraction from life's bogey men, but to get the willies in acceptable fashion. to get our fear intake in a suitable dosage and convenient from right there on the screen in dozens of variations in a click of a button.

Maybe, just maybe we feel like trapping ourselves in the nightmares of a community cut off from a world otherwise devastated by nuclear blasts.

Didn't we get enough bodies in flood waters or abandoned in a curbside after all this wars and hurricanes.NO! We never have enough. What we fear most isn't getting more, but not getting enough.

But hey! the only thing you have to fear it's fear itself, but you already knew that, didn't you? But yo still retreat into it. Our cheap substitute for feeling at peace. So HAPPY HALLOWEEN IF YOU DARE TO CELEBRATE IT!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    Scary, but uniquely put! 5/5 And many thanks for all of your comments and support.