I have to tell you!

by Amanda   Oct 26, 2006

My life is unsteady. One minute I'm up, the next I'm down. Never a constant, even flow of positive things. Always the negative, coming in and killing the Small gleams of any sight of hope. One moment I couldn't be happier, the next I feel as if I have lost everything.
One in a while, when I'm really quite and it's raining, I can hear your voice, telling me that everything will be fine. Even if I can just hold my breath just to hear that, it is worth it. when I lay in my bed at night thinking of all the things I forgot to do, or wish I could change everytime your face comes up. Because I realized you are my muse, you make me, me! And the one thing I regret this every Moment is not having the balls enough to tell you how much I feel for you....
But someday I will!


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