What happened?

by Some Random Guy42   Oct 26, 2006

You remember when you said you loved me and would never stop?
What happened?
You said I was your best friend ever, then you found that other guy
What happened?
We used to have so much fun, but now you wont talk to me
What happened?

I get it, you don't care anymore
I'm going to miss the fun we had, and being your best friend
I don't think Ill ever stop loving you
I still care, I still love you
But I think I'll get over this depression, I just want to know one thing
What happened?


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Terri

    Perfectly fits my situation right now...nicely done.

  • 18 years ago

    by barbara

    Awwww.....what happened is she gave up a good thing for an okay fling.....

  • 18 years ago

    by Batman

    Yo...Your a kewl kid...But you gotta realize sometime soon...That when some likes you and its not a chick you like...Give that person a chance...Or you'll never know who your giving up or loosing...

    I heart you Bro.
    Keep Smiling.
    I know you can.
    Your freakn amazing.

  • 18 years ago

    by Hey Brittknee

    I'm sorry jake, its just...it's not another guy okay, it's just me and the awful person that i am, its hard, and please promise me that you will be okay though. I still love you as a friend~brittness

  • 18 years ago

    by NothingGoldCanStay

    Aw. Beefcake, i'm sorry *hugs* You two will be okay, yes! This poem is so sad ;[. Talk to you later.

    Take Care. Ly.

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