Desires of a teen girls heart

by Krissey   Oct 27, 2006

Not all teenage girls cause drama
Some are deeper than you think
Not every girl goes out with three guys a night
Not every girl is addicted to the drink

A lot of girls have on their mini skirts
What about those in jeans?
This poem will answer your questions
Of what’s in the heart of girl teens

Did you know that some of us want peace
We try to stay calm and never fight
We don't say things just to hurt others
We always try to do what's right

We have dreams of being pretty
And actually showing some skin
But try not to look to trampy
Because not all of us want to blend in

Do you know how hard it is these days?
To find a sweet and caring guy
Someone who respects you
And won't make you kiss virginity goodbye

One who will buy us the desires of our heart
No matter what the expense
We have dreams of raising a family
Have a blue house with a white fence

A peaceful house in a peaceful town
An almost impossible idea these days
You never know who you can trust
We've all been deceived in so many ways

Some don’t feel safe in their own house
We need someone to walk us to our car
Watch our backs every second
Can’t walk alone very far

We're more than what you think, you see
So please don't stereotype us all
Get to know us before you judge us
Instead of picking cat fights in the hall

Because some of us attend church
And live the Godly life
Have desires of a great career
And becoming an attractive wife

We want to raise good children
Teach them to be polite and kind
Some days the future looks so bleak
Are these dreams we will ever find?

So next time you judge a teen girl
Think of poems just like these
Because not all girls are sleazy like you think
There are some girls with dreams


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by STEPHANiiE

    I like this poem! this is so true poeple judgin us gurls in a badf way because of how we dress and talk, when we're the exact oppsite!!

  • 18 years ago

    by emily

    Hey girls!
    I love this poem,, i totally agree wif u here... You gurls r so talented! keep up the good work!!
    Talk soon

  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    My darlings!!! how are you? i don't think i've seen you in months. I have missed your comments and mine 4 that matter. love you and can't wait 2 c more of you work *hugs* love you girls!

    ruthie xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Good job! Nice write!

  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Hello my girls! :D i hart this poem! *grins* one home 4 the team!!! man I wish u guys were at my school :P I could use some more purity warriors ha... whoo! i'm like addicted 2 u ladies. keep it up :)

    ruthie xoxo