Comments : Desires of a teen girls heart

  • 18 years ago

    by Lu

    Bravo girls....


    I praise you both for being the diamonds in a bucket of stones. You are proud to say who you both are and what you both stand for.....which is :
    Decent, strong-minded, fun-loving, sweet pure girls !
    I think there are and will be girls who will look up to you both for being proud to say .....HEY! We want the decent things of life....
    Nice house, polite kids, world peace, to meet a nice respectable guy...ect

    And I truly believe you both will have all those things...WHY? Because you believe in yourselves and I believe in you too.

    Great poem girls, honest and direct with a great message to the girls and guys to. Don't allow society to brand ALL teens in the same catagory !
    Many do have dreams.....of a wonderful future.

    Wonderful piece Chels & Kristy !
    Love ya both, you are both beautiful souls....inside and out !

  • Wow! awsome! its is so true, not a teen girls are girls who like to sleep around and cheat and fight etc.
    amazing poem, well written, and great rhyming! Well Done!
    Love Mel

  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Hello my girls! :D i hart this poem! *grins* one home 4 the team!!! man I wish u guys were at my school :P I could use some more purity warriors ha... whoo! i'm like addicted 2 u ladies. keep it up :)

    ruthie xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Good job! Nice write!

  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    My darlings!!! how are you? i don't think i've seen you in months. I have missed your comments and mine 4 that matter. love you and can't wait 2 c more of you work *hugs* love you girls!

    ruthie xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by emily

    Hey girls!
    I love this poem,, i totally agree wif u here... You gurls r so talented! keep up the good work!!
    Talk soon

  • 18 years ago

    by STEPHANiiE

    I like this poem! this is so true poeple judgin us gurls in a badf way because of how we dress and talk, when we're the exact oppsite!!