Without You

by Simon Hayes   Oct 27, 2006

This morning I was puzzled,
I felt a little blue.
I knew that something wasn't right
That something was askew.

I looked around the bedroom,
I felt the morning chill.
Opened up the curtains
Ice upon the window sill.

The kitchen was all frosty,
The bathroom a misty Grey.
This surely was the beginning
Of another autumn day.

Into the front room gloomily
I stumbled to the light
Hoping I'd find the problem,
To cure the feeling from last night.

Suddenly it dawned on me
The reason I was blue.
I sat upon the sofa, said
"It's because I'm without you!"

© Simon Hayes 27/10/06


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  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie84

    So simple but so powerful...WOW!!! I JUST FREAKING LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!! Look again...You've done it again!!! I LOVE IT!!! AWESOME WRITE SIMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Timothy r

    After reading many a poem from you Simon, it is your love poems I enjoy most. Timothy r

  • 18 years ago

    by Timothy r

    After reading many a poem from you Simon, it is your love poems I enjoy most. Timothy r

  • 18 years ago

    by jessel jane

    Simple poem showing every emotion you felt that time.Nice rhyming...

  • 18 years ago

    by Reborn Rival

    Very excellent! I love this peice!
    5/5 Really great discriptions and word play!