I am trapped in this life,
in a viscious downward spiral
plumeting into the darkness,
no hope of landing peacefully.
Uncertainty leads to self destruction,
sharpness has the power and control,
releasing the pain and anger within.
Tears I never knew existed
now flowing constantly.
Tell me a way to get out,
out of this deep dark oblivion
that has swallowed my soul.
What if there is no escape?
If I cannot live in happiness,
If I cannot live with laughter,
then I cannot live at all.
One day soon, it will be over...
I will find my freedom
The darkside I KNOW IT WELL. YOUR poem
is so sad so fill with self pity and hurt. Love
will be your light from this darkness you
speak of or I Least I HOPE it will be. Hang
in there. life is worth living. death is the end.