Used and left broken (Part 2)

by *BreckoN*   Oct 28, 2006

Youve got to read part 1 to fully understand it x x x

So he used me for giving shines
What a totally prick
Used me and other girls
Just to suck his d***

But no he couldnt just stop there
He went and did much more
He had to tell all his friends
About me on the floor

Some boy I didnt know
Came running up to me
Ask me if I did it
His face was full of glee

I bowed my head and did not answer
I walked on with tears in my eyes
How could he do this to me
He couldnt hurt a fly

So it got round to everyone
What I had shamefully done
What I did to keep this person
From doing the thing hed done

I didnt know what to say to him
To hit shout or scream
How could he hurt me like this
He was the boy of my dreams

Then my sister found out
I didnt know what to say
She did have lots of respect for me
It all disappeared that day

I didnt know what to say to her
To explain how I felt
I couldnt express my feelings
Her head was full of doubt

Everyone now looked at me different
I couldnt change there minds
All for this stupid boy
All for giving shines

I wont trust a boy again
Until the day that I die
Coz ill remember what he done
And how he made me cry


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