Dancing on Water

by Nick who Plays Pool   Oct 28, 2006

I walk across, a glittering ocean
Skipping and dancing, as I go
I wonder how I do this so, then remember a saying go
Try, try, and try again, pick yourself up and start once more.

Such warm, encouraging words I heard
I splashed and played, skipped and danced
The silver moon, watching over me
Waves came in splashing me, as I run through them with ease.

More and more, the waves kept coming
Each time there were more, bigger and harder
I try to run, but have no where to go
So I dance and play, as a tidal wave washing me away
Never to get up again.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Ajmal

    Its amazing....

  • 17 years ago

    by Untamed

    Great piece of poetry. 5/5 and i do agree with what you said in your post. Comments like "It doesn`t make sense" and such are hurtful. keep writing, i`ll keep reading.

  • 17 years ago

    by Crystal Gaze

    Amazing, great job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Beauty In The Breaking

    Well I know that I already commented on this one but since I'm working my way through all of your's I thought that I'd do it again xD

    I loved it just as much the second time as I did the first and although I love all of yours so far this one is my fav.

  • 18 years ago

    by Beauty In The Breaking

    This is the first one of yours that I've read and I loved it!
    You caught the emotions so wonderfully and I can feel the joy and sadness behind it. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.