Its been a year

by Jessica Lynn   Oct 29, 2006

Today was the day
her virginity was taken away...
it has been a year
and has been nothing but fear...
she got away from him ....
but somehow he brought her back..
into his arms he will not let go ...
she wonders why he is still her guy..
he tormented and made her cry
he thinks he is one of a kind ...
but she can do with out him
she already took that spin ..
but the spin lead her back
for she will not stick around for that is a fact ...
despise the boy
for he is nothing but a toy...
plays games with her head
but she was mislead...
now she knows better
she so sick of writing these letters..
why should she write about him
he is nothing but a limb ..
that she will pick up and throw away
for she cannot let him stay!

-by Jessica DellaVecchio
dedicated to that guy


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by nicole

    This one hit home, i feel ya.

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Sounds like he did stay. somewhere
    deep inside that heart of yours.
    beutiful poem keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Like it but to personal to read over
    like i do with all your others
    keep writting