I See A lot of F--ked Up Shit Going Down in the Next Book

by AGirlWorthFightingFor   Oct 29, 2006

I want to meet your eyes
At equal par with mine
I want to make you pay
For not giving me my way
But there's NOT ENOUGH HATE!!

I want to get inside your mind
Twist and pull on every weakness I can find
Turn my suffering onto you in kind
//Take you to a place//
where everyone you love is left behind

But to you I can do nothing
Save a slight malicious grin
For you alone are my reason
For remaining here
I want to be worth something you can appreciate
And I will do anything to prove we can relate

But you won't listen
You don't believe in fate
I want to bring you down
but there's just NOT ENOUGH HATE!!

You don't give a damn about me
And don't hear a word I say
But you just had to let me live
You couldn't give in and hurt me
You just showed your godd-mn perfect mercy
//Eyes burning red//
As I felt my heart decay

In another life, could you have been mine?
I taste your bitter breath as your teeth gnash into my face
Your words fall upon my head worse than
The weight of the rain, "There's just
not enough hate"
You say
"There's just NOT ENOUGH HATE!!"
Before you turn and walk away

Leaving me to writhe in my unrequited pain
To comtemplate the reasons why
And try to win you back again


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by AGirlWorthFightingFor

    The poem is actually my -now jk'd- predictions for how Harry/Draco's relationship might've evolved in Deathly Hallows.

    thus the title, lol

  • 15 years ago

    by isabel

    Astonishing write :)

    The title confused me a little bit... I can't see the relation between it and the poem... but maybe i lost track somewhere...

    the poem itself left me speechless...

    *rock on*


  • 16 years ago

    by KT Mackey

    I really liked it, but the rythm is a bit off on some parts. I think you could make it really really good if you worked with it a little. keep up the good work. -kt

  • 17 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    A poem that is really effective because of the opposite it utilises. i really enjoyed reading it because it was original and completely different to anything i've ever read before.
    i also liked how raw and obvious the emotion was in it.

    great work.

  • 18 years ago

    by Gary Jurechka

    Great title.I like the contrast of love and hate.I can very much relate and understand.I like the hope and despair, the love and loss. This is perfectly expressed.

    Peace, Poetry, & Power,

    Gary Jurechka