Comments : I See A lot of F--ked Up Shit Going Down in the Next Book

  • 18 years ago

    by Gary Jurechka

    Great title.I like the contrast of love and hate.I can very much relate and understand.I like the hope and despair, the love and loss. This is perfectly expressed.

    Peace, Poetry, & Power,

    Gary Jurechka

  • 17 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    A poem that is really effective because of the opposite it utilises. i really enjoyed reading it because it was original and completely different to anything i've ever read before.
    i also liked how raw and obvious the emotion was in it.

    great work.

  • 16 years ago

    by KT Mackey

    I really liked it, but the rythm is a bit off on some parts. I think you could make it really really good if you worked with it a little. keep up the good work. -kt

  • 15 years ago

    by isabel

    Astonishing write :)

    The title confused me a little bit... I can't see the relation between it and the poem... but maybe i lost track somewhere...

    the poem itself left me speechless...

    *rock on*


  • 15 years ago

    by AGirlWorthFightingFor

    The poem is actually my -now jk'd- predictions for how Harry/Draco's relationship might've evolved in Deathly Hallows.

    thus the title, lol