How do you handle it,
How do you ease the pain,
The agony of your own reflection,
The touch of your own skin,
How can you escape it?
Do you numb it with pills,powder or needles,
Or slice it out,
Watch it drain from your body,
Crimson rivers trailing down.
Look at me,
My skin torn and scarred by a blade,
Permanent souvenirs of lost hope,
The outside heals,
Bruises, cuts, burns,
But the inside will not,
A broken mind,
A broken life,
Can you tell?
To people I'm innocent,
A perfect little angel,
Bright eyes and a sunshine smile,
What they cant see cant hurt them,
But I see different,
I see the truth,
Ugly and dangerous,
Buried deep in my heart.
Still I live,
A girl like any other,
On the surface,
But take a closer look,
Can you see my pain?
The darkness behind my eyes,
The forlorn droop to my mouth,
The desperate way I look when people laugh,
And yet still I can smile,
I don't think it possible,
I feel so lost,
How can I smile,
When I feel like this?