Lets fall into this game, the one where
i still your heart and you still mine,
and we'll fill our lives with the same old
simple cliches. we'll fall in love,
break each others hearts, and come
running back to each other time and
time again. i want to be the girl that
you wish to share every waking moment with,
the girl that you'd do anything for. I wish to be
the one you come to when you're sad, laugh
with when you're happy. I want you to come over
and watch Disney movies with me. I want you to
sit in a movie theater with me watching a scary
movie, and laugh when i get scared then pull
me closer to you. Sit in photo booths with me
just to take goofy pictures, walk with me and
hold my hand, pretend I'm the only one for you.
Lets always share our secrets,lets hold each other close
and kiss each others lips.Lets make a solid promise,
because I'm sure, it won't get better than this.