Of Fictional Fantasies (A Prayer for us All)

by Kayd   Oct 31, 2006

Triffle not upon the past,
Some ties gone wrong are little.
Mistakes are always made for things that last,
If not, you must be dead.

Hope not nor expect right doings,
Should they turn against me, let me know it.
Keep me safe, protect myself...
Myself is my castle of steel.

Nothing protects more,
Nothing shall pass these doors.
Lacking in the feelings, I am untouched,
Safe, but suffering from the pain I cause.

Let not those around me suffer.
I cause damage more than I cure it.
Nothing I do can help it, though I am dead;
Numb and cold forever, unchanged so young.

Allow them not to hurt,
My pain woes those in a thousand lifetimes.
My carvings and addictions worse than those who think they know me...
Yet only one will know; myself.

May not nothing harm them.
I'd rather die then see the infliction,
Give my dead soul again,
Never walk without that false smile...
Already has the pain become permanent,
Unable to love, worse than that, feel.
No pain nor regret, the unchanging paths harder than diamond.
Yet I can't change it...

Never expect my protection, I am no god.
Never would I keep anything safe...
Those who know me know lies, nothing is true;
I am the darkest of all evils... forever.

Cleanse me and live on...
Live on...
Love like I cannot,
Know it's better at standstill.

© KayD [2006]


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  • 18 years ago

    by Fredy

    Thank you: for giving us a great poem, and remembering us in your prayers.

  • 18 years ago

    by xXxAngelEyes007xXx

    OMG kay i love it like its amazing