Comments : Friendship vs. Love

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    A very sweet poem with a happy feel to it! Jpoet*

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessie

    Okay let me tell you something...i wouldnt date this guy if i were you coz your young and sadly relationships never last long when your young and im learning that myself actually but anyhoo you dont want to be more than what you are now because then if something does happen there is no more friendship trust me on that no matter if he says you will always be friends it doesnt work like in that situation right now so trust me on that, just love him with all you got but stay friends coz i really dont want you to end up like me even tho i dont know you...♥


  • 18 years ago

    by Erica Jovie©

    I LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT!! i say tell him if u really want but ur riskin ruining a friendship but u'll never kno otherwise!! keep writin'...i added u to my fav. list!! thanx for the comment and God bless!

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    "!Figuring you out is like a giant puzzle
    With tons of pieces missing
    One minute I think I know who you are
    But then you keep me guessing"

    I loved this stanza the most and the whole poem was just really sweet with a feel-good vibe to it! It was fab!

    And in answer to your question at the end, you seem to have a lot in common, but don't rush into things, you have a good friendship going so just let it develop in it's own time so your both sure of what your doing... or something to that effect, lol.

    5/5 for a great poem hun!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jen

    Wow i loved this poem it has a happy feel about it even though you dont know what to do about it.
    i can honestly say ive been in this situation and the guy didnt act any different around me at all but just be careful if u decide to tell him and take it furthet because some lads tend to say you will still be friends after but thats not entirely true with all of them, but then again i suppose its up to you whether you would rather keep him as a friend and be around him as much as possible and enjoy it or tell him and risk the friendship, but i reckon if its supposed to be it will happen in time!

    sorry i wrote like and essay there but good luck =]=]=]

    great poem =]


  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Hey there huny. that was a lovely write :) only thing i'd say is if ur going 2 rhyme try and keep it going the whole way through lol but other then that it twas awesomely done...

    in regards 2 the dude. u can get all this advice from people but in the end u jsut gotta do wats best 4 u :)

    c u round sweetie! *hugs*

    ruthie xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by Misstress

    I think its better to let love run its course, and friendship is a good foundation for it, but its up to you, Im sure he will know that you have feelings for him if you will lead him.
    But youre still young, better be careful with what youre heart is saying.

  • 18 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Wow, wonderful write, great Job. I loved it.

    Peace, Joe

  • Loved the poem, was awesome....5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Wow, i really love this poem, its like you are speeching my heart.
    very nicely written. keep up the great work.5/5 from me.

  • 18 years ago

    by Anonymous

    Wow, it's so cute! :]
    I love it.
    Sorry, I would type more, but my words have run dry from so many requests so far. I would critique you more than this, but it seems okay if this poem was not meant to rhyme.

  • 18 years ago

    by ForeverGoneInYourEyes

    Did i ever tell u i love u jk but this is really good

  • 18 years ago

    by Shae

    Your poem is really good! I acually don't know what to say about it! hehe..

  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Thats cool, and so perfect,

  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    Aww... I absolutely adore this poem. I went through the same thing with one of my friends.. Although I finally figured out that I didn't like him as much as he liked me and it kind of scared me... lol. Anyways.. you did an amazing job on this poem. The flow and rhythm was practically flawless and I think that you did an amazing job expressing your emotions. I can tell that you really care about this person. Hope everything works out for the best! 5/5 Take Care :)

  • 18 years ago

    by awww

    That was a sweet poem... i almost felt like i was the one in love [or puppy love]... it made me smile to read your poem because i was like... aww look at her, so happy and smiles alot... especially when you capitalized the "ME", it gave more impact... most parts rhymed and some dont, but its ok.. i still like you poem.. 5/5 keep writing!


  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    thats sooo cute!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by AmY

    Awesome poem. i cant give u any advices cuz im in the same situation and dunno what to do myself :(((