We are born into the World with the sound of cries,
Starting our journey full of failure when we try.
We either strive to be the best or we don't give a f**k what we do,
We couldn't care less about the lies and what's really true.
Sometimes we fall in love or die of a broken heart,
And we wish this journey never had to start.
Moving on we have endless choices of endless turns,
We try but we can't decide what our destiny yearns.
The many ups and downs we'll face,
In forms of happiness and disgrace.
Our life at times might not seem worth living at all,
But we still wish to climb back up and hope not to fall.
We search for the answers to questions we don't even know,
Or take turns to places we don't have to go.
During our life-time we'll kill, cry, laugh, create and die;
If only we could see where the truth really lies.
Why do we continue to want what we don't have,
Why can't we be happy with what we already had?
In the end; our life will go before our dying eye's,
We'll remember all of our most memorable times.
Yet really we don't know what to expect after that,
It's either hell, heaven or just the everlasting black.
Or maybe we come back as something else,
But how would we know if we can't even trust ourself?
Leaving the World just at the other end of life's share;
Cold and with nothing left but the last breath of air;
What next?
From the Cradle to the Grave it's everything that happens in between...