This emptiness
by Ivan070
Been trying hard;
To find some sense;
In this madness;
Been biding time;
For that second chance;
I awaited with a little hope;
To see our love survive;
We have done so much with time;
But little do we achieve;
Our love has become a riddle;
And we are are now at a dead end;
In this hour of silence;
Much can be heard;
For my words are loud;
As I speak from my heart;
Can you hear me?
Can you feel me?
Please find the cure;
For this pain;
and shelter me from the cold rain;
In this darkness;
Watch me shed quietly;
Those hidden tears;
Can you see it?
Can you sense it?
I have lived in this emptiness,
Struggling with bitterness;
You may watch me die;
A slow and painful death;
For our love is dead and gone...
Do you enjoy it?
Do you find satisfaction?