What is love?

by Creatingtime   Nov 2, 2006

Love, again with that word!
That word that everyone but me as seemed to have heard.
They all are talking,
while holding hands while they're walking,
and you know they've heard the word love.

But I just don't get it. What is love anyway?
Is it that feeling I get when I see you in the halls everyday?
When the blood rushes to my cheeks and my heart pounds in my chest,
what is it about you that makes me pick you out from all the rest?

But you're all ready taken, or have your eyes set on someone new,
so no matter how much I wish or try, I can't get close to you.

This love triangle sucks, my friends and I agree.
What is love? What is it supposed to be?
Is it kissing? Is it wishing? Is it knowing that every thing's going to be okay?
Or is it simply the tears that it causes at the end of the day?

I'm so confused and I don't know what to do.
Some say love is the best, others say it's the worst for you.
But who is right? Who has the final say?
I guess it all depends on how you feel at the end of the day.

So I guess I'm left wandering in the deepest parts of my soul,
wondering which side am I on, and which side is my goal.
So all of you out there, reading this poem,
who do you think is right?
What have you been told?


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