Another Corner

by || Jenn || LoveZ || Shana ||   Nov 3, 2006

As i turn another corner
i expect to see you there,
But then i remember your gone
and pretend not to care.

But the truth is
the pain is just too much ,
To know that you're gone
and you're someone i'll never again touch.

You meant the world to so many people
and i'm sorry if i never really told you,
But now it seems it's too late
and we must continue on with life without you.

May the road rise up to meet you
may the wind be always at your back,
May the sunshine warm upon your face
and the rainfall soft upon your shoulders.

So it's goodbye our blossomed friend
things will never be the same,
But now you belong in heaven
and the stars spell out your name.

But i believe that although you may be gone from our eyes,
that your spirit & your sense of humour will forever live on in our hearts.

So until we meet again gorgeous
may we hold you in the depths of our hearts

R.I.P. we will miss you dearly so much may u be our shining lil star


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  • Please comment i wrote this poem for my best friend who dyed in a car crash.
    she meant the world to me we were like sisters inseperable