Yippy yippy yippy Dup

by ivan070   Nov 3, 2006

Yippy yippy yippy Dup;
Pour some rum unto my little mug;
Lets toast for this crazy world;
May there be peace ;
May there be joy;
For every single soul;

Yippy yippy yippy Dup;
Fish and chips and wheat vinegar;
Cricket balls and page 3 girls;
May god save the Queen;
May all the blessings be yours;
And nothing beats good ole England;

Yippy yippy yippy Dup;
Traffic jams and morning rush;
A daily chore for the city man;
May you be on time;
May you have a smooth journey;
Be a safe driver, drive with care;

Yippy yippy yippy Dup;
Watch your step and keep it low;
Hide your faults for your boss is near;
Sweep it under the carpet;
Keep it under the blanket;
And make sure no one knows

Yippy yippy yippy Dup;
May I have coffee and not tea?
I will have it with my bagel;
And the morning papers;
I am not an alien but a yankee;
I am an American in London;

Yippy yippy yippy Dup;
It is called soccer and not football;
Our game is alot more physical;
But your game is the most popular;
The Brits have their own little ideas;
But they listen to us anyhow..

Yippy yippy yippy Dup;
I carried flour and not cocaine officer;
But anyhow I arrange a deal;
An arrest is out of the quetsion and dont waste my time;
Cops do good jobs and have big credit;
But they take home too little...


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