Red rose

by rene   Nov 3, 2006

A red rose
took upon my sight,
harmless red rose
I grabbed with all my might.

Forgetting about the thorns
the blood upon the tips
I held the red rose close
as my skin begins to rip

Blood flows
down rose and wrist
holding both close to me
tightly in my fist

That red rose
held so close to my heart
tears roll down
as soul rips apart

Such a harmless red rose
I hold in my hand
didn't mean no harm
yet I no longer stand

For the last drop of blood
fell from my wrist
to the harmless deadly rose
I held tightly in my fist


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  • 15 years ago

    by waking up inside

    Thats an amazing poem! great job :)

  • How true true.
    rene you truly have talent i could see the whole thing, and yes it does teach us a lesson. i love poems like this because when it comes from the heart it touches the hearts of others...5/5 too girl, you go girl

  • 18 years ago

    by Jason

    I really like this one. Not only do I see it happening but it teaches a lesson of love and how it can bring you to your knees.

  • 18 years ago

    by xo kisses xo

    Omg..that is so good. i love it! 5/5