Shoot me When you get the Chance

by Krissey   Nov 4, 2006

Everyone thought she was perfect
She had the perfect boyfriend, perfect life
Someday she would be his beautiful bride
And then a sweet and caring wife

But you know those perfect relationships?
They always come to a crashing halt
The ones where “it’s not you it’s me”
The type were it’s neither his or her fault

She had her sneaking suspicions
But she didn't know for sure
His staying away on “business trips”
Made her unbearably insecure

She thought about his occupation
His job doesn’t require him to stay out late
She saw on movies how it worked
It meant he was probably out on some date

She was coming out of Starbucks
And her coffee fell to the ground
Her suspicions had been right
Her boyfriend had been getting around

She tried squinting to see who this mystery was
She just couldn’t believe her eyes
Was it true? Was he cheating on her…
For that designer jeans guy?

She dialed her work and called in sick
Then raced to “their” apartment
All his clothes flew out the window
This, the beginning of her resent

She gathered every photo they’ve ever taken together
Pasted them all over his myspace
Wrote, “I left this pretty girl for a man”
Trying to make redness arise on his face

She got emails from many different women
Voicing their sympathy and support
She was glad to know they were on her side
But they couldn't help her the upcoming day in court

She wasn’t playing games anymore
She isn’t one you can mistreat
On her website she posted a blog
A warning for those men who like to cheat:

For any guy who wants to date me
I’m just letting you know in advance
I’ll take revenge on liars and cheaters
So shoot me when you get the chance


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  • 18 years ago

    by STEPHANiiE

    Yo this poem is mad good!
    you always hear poems of guys cheating with girls, but 2 write a poem with a guy cheating with another guy is just mad nice.

    !!Love the poem!!

  • 18 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    !!! that poem was very nice and I enjoyed reading it
    Its poems like these that make me happy I happened to come upon them
    Great job and keep writing porfavor (please, haha)

    If you could please read/rate my poem Classic Love Song, I appreciate it
    I return the favor if you comment back

  • 18 years ago

    by robin milford

    Very well written I enjoyed this poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Alysse

    If someone cheats on me i would want revenge too, they would have to shoot me. great poem!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Amber Lynn

    I liked it alot!! I love poems like this that tells stories! very entertaining!
