
by Walter Krijthe   Nov 6, 2006

It's reggae in the forest
as autumn sets the scene
the trees are decorated
in red and gold and green

It's ballet in the forest
out on a winter's night
in black the snowflakes dancing
all dressed in crystal white

It's 60's in the forest
when spring is in the air
the fields are dressed in flowers
dew diamonds in their hair

It's welfare in the forest
when summer sun shines bright
a richness of green colours
warmed in the golden light


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  • 18 years ago

    by Edward D Zurovec

    Hey thanks for the comment and you are right,,somewhat rushed...should have read.......

    Winter days chilling spring
    Mourning for its renewal

    your seasons poem was much better

  • 18 years ago

    by Misstress

    Absolutely magickal write,
    the images are nicely knitted
    with the
    fluid rhythm,
    the over all feel of the poem is just lovely.
    I like how you describe all the seasons..