
by kaiLa   Nov 6, 2006

You see, I know a teen
who has two identities
One that she has at home
and one that she has for show

You see, she is also confused
\'Cos she realised, she doesn\'t know who she is
She has this identity at school
The one that makes her look so jolly and happy
The one that covers what\'s beneath

The other is the one at home
where she is alone
And always feel like she\'s misunderstood
When you try and zoom in...
you\'ll see that she rarely smiles here
\'Cos she knows there is no one to show it for

You see, you may wonder why she acts like this
Why she looks so mad
And why she feels like she\'s been damned!
Now here\'s a theory

As a child, I think she was happy
Having fun at school
And meeting new friends that are cool
She had been promised lots of gifts and rewards
when she was in primary level
She was too stupid to even realize
That it was all a lie

You see, she believed every single word that they dropped
Every single promised that they made
She hung on to it, real tight
Waiting for the day,
that she'll meet the end of the deal

Then she actually did it
She made it on top
She made them real "proud"
Getting the Gold Medal
Getting those awards

She waited for the prize
like a baby waiting for her mother to come
Days had passed, months...
then a year went by
She moved on of that promise
And tried to forget about it
And she did...! She forgot about it all

Then another school year came
Promises were given again
Promises that were really tempting
For li�l kid like her
So a deal, she made again
Not knowing that this we'll be the one
that would make a scar real deep.

They promised her everything
Everything that she said
the answer as Yes!
This girl was so happy
so she studied real hard
And she did it again!

Unsurprisingly, there was no treat
There was no prize, there was no gift
She secretly waited, but did not ask
For the promise that was never given back.

Years have passed and another promise was given
But now she's older and smarter
Not to give in to those crap
Since then, she had been very hot- headed
Whenever someone says that
"One you did this or once you did that, you'll get this and more"
She's just been so fed up and have had it with their promises

When someone told her that they'll give her this
Something in her just snapped
That one day she said something
Something, that she'll never forget
She told them to just give it to her li'l brother
and stop it with her.

She got a sermon and a slap
after those lines were made
After the people had left, after the celebration

Was saying STOP!?
a ground for slapping
I guess it is...

She knew she was wrong for saying that in their face
It just blasted out of her mouth
like a sneeze that cannot be ceased.

So next time be careful in making promises with her
And try to understand, why she's like that at times.

© Copyright Kaila Alapide 2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kaila

    This is really good nice work I liked it alot!

  • 18 years ago

    by Scaito

    Good work, i know of someone who relates to that, and its tough for her. keep up the good work!