I never meant to hurt you
I know this much is true
I never meant to hurt you
but hurting me is all you seem to try and do
its like you want me to hurt like you hurt inside
like Ive never felt what you feel, and you just wish Id die
I didn't try to break your heart
didn't mean to make your world fall apart
I'm sorry that you knew me oh so well
knew what Id do as soon as you fell
and I try to be there want to be your friend
but to this battle there seems no end
and you tell me all these horrible things and make me feel like dirt
and you don't give a shit as long as I'm feeling hurt
you always thought you knew me
knew everything i felt and thought, but you never knew me
but no matter what you try to make me hurt
try to make me hate myself more than I already do
try to make me feel like dirt
I know I broke your heart I know I cant fix what I did
but believe me I wouldn't leave you there broken if I didn't think there was a chance your heart would mend
Ive been down that road once of twice before
and it made my heart broke and sore
& yes there were times I never thought Id love again
but this broken heart always found a way to mend
and I'm sorry once again that I hurt you
but even though I'm the only one who thinks so it was something I had to do