How Perfect...

by twisted reality   Nov 6, 2006

Death; oh what a joy that would be.
To be gone in a world of my own.
To not feel pain any longer.
To just be there in His gentle hands.

But what would hurt me most,
Would not be the death.
It would be seeing the people so sad and depressed.
To die; what an adventure that would be.

To look upon Earth from above,
To watch our world make mistakes.
Being with fellow friends and family,
Who also had the urge to founder.

With those people so young and old,
Under the watchful eyes of Him.
We shall never again go wrong,
'Cause death is perfect; it makes no mistakes.

Death would be an awful good adventure.
With no one there to care,
No one there to weep with,
No one there at all anymore.

Am I sure death would be worth it?
I don't know; for death is a stranger to me.
What's so good about living? I'm sure that,
Death will be an awfully big adventure.

**I have no desire to die lol. It just was brought up at school one day, and I got kinda deep into the topic. I don't think it's all that great, but give me some feedback, and I'll probably work on it lol.**

IMPORTANT: Poems don't always have to rhyme. They can, but some poems are left without rhymes. *This poem was not supposed to rhyme* That was for all you people who are going to downvote it before you know.


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  • 17 years ago

    by GoodMEMORIES

    I must be honest and say that i normally do not like poems that do not rythem because i dont think that they flow good... but i think that this one was really good... NO complaints

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    I like the idea of this poem alot.. and your write really well.. and i know that not all poems have to rhyme.. but all poems do have some sort of rhythem.. i couldnt find it in this poem.. some lines are short and choppy and others are longer and seem out of place.. but may just be the way im reading it

  • 18 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    The flow doesn't matter to me, so long as the topic doesn't bore me. This one didn't, so you have no worries. Lol. I liked the depth you created throughout the poem. It was golden. Nicely done. =). 4.5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    That was really good, i think it flowed well, so much emotion and meaning.
    poems don't have to rhyme and i liked this one

  • 18 years ago

    by Taylor

    I actually prefer unrhyming poems. Sometimes trying to make something rhyme really takes away from the deep meaning of the poem. Sometimes i wonder what it would be like to die, just because I want to know what people would say after I left. Good job