Language of the Dead

by LockedInEternity   Nov 6, 2006

They speak in tongue,
Mortals cannot hear.
Telling of their providence.
How it led them to their doom.
Now lying in a coffin, that's come to be their room.

Confined in boxes, tombs, and earth,
They screech their stories loud.
But no one hears them,
We all walk by.
Not a soul listens to their cry.

Trying to tell us what's to come,
They tremble in dismay.
They fear for what's about to happen,
As we live our life away.

Wanting to warn us,
They shriek and roar.
They sibilate their words.
But all we do is turn our back.
We have that arrogance they lack.

Their assistance has failed,
Like our festering life.
We didn't listen to their howl.
In time all of us will die.
And none of the living will hear our forbidding cry.

** i tried a new format in this poem so tell me of you like it. It's ABCDD ABCDD ABCB ABCDD ABCDD. Incase i confused you, i mean like in most of my poems the format is the second and last lines in this one i tried it in a new the last two lines rhyme in the firts two and last two stanzas and in the middle stanza its the usual ABCb format where the second and last lines of the stanza rhyme.
Alright, thankyou for reading:)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    I liked how you tried a different format of poetry it was really good and shows talent. A scary image was painted within this pieces I truely liked it. Gave me this chills seeing as i'm sittin in the dark in my bedroom and the branches are brushing against my windows.... I shall have to read a love poem next I guess. Well done none the less on creating this. ~mel

  • 17 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    I didnt get what you were trying to say about the rhyming format but i loved the poem anyway! well done hun.
    much love and many kisses,

  • 18 years ago

    by Kalee

    This is a good poem. all of the ryming is really good. it is true that we dont listen to what people say even when they are alive.
    Great poem btw.


  • 18 years ago

    by ~*Flying high*~

    Love ur poem! the style u used and everything. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by shawn

    Great work, i liked the style you used. 5/5