by CY GINDLE   Nov 8, 2006

You think cause I'm angry that i
don't hurt. ( I DO )

Anger is pain and pain is hurt
thats how its works.

You think you know what you
put me through (YOU DON'T)

You think I should forgive and
forget. just stuff it down.
( I DON'T)

You think cause he didn't want
you that I should be glad
nothing happen (I AM)

You think i won't learn from
this ( I HAVE)

You think I can't love you
because you tried to replace me
( I CAN )

Even as you drove the dagger through my heart my last words would BE : I LOVE YOU


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  • 17 years ago

    by ~*SugarCube*~

    thanks for the comments.
    Great poem. =]

  • 18 years ago

    by broken heart

    Well i cutt to let out pain and were i live u cant stay away from the drugs hes bin to mercy for the drugs and hes bin to jail he still hasnt faced realality and i hope u get better i live in illinios and ive tryed getting help for my addition but like i said im 14 and stubborn

  • 18 years ago

    by fakesmile

    I swear i love this poem! thanks for the comment.. its nice to know that you're not alone and ppl can feel your pain too..

  • 18 years ago

    by beav

    Dude, you're blowin' my mind with every line. i mean ALL your work. so good.

  • 18 years ago

    by Al

    Dude, thx the comments and wish i could have as much time as you got...lol, yeh so this poem is awesome, see so you have some good amazing love poems here. I'm gonna go and agree with people above your last line hit me right in a heart and i thought to myself that is real love, anyhoo write more poems like this..kl peace