
by alone and above   Nov 9, 2006

The explosions started around noon

we were all on our lunch brake

i was eating my peanut butter and banana sandwich

so i never heard the bang or ca-boom

only saw the frightened monsoon of bodies lunging, and running, subconsciously diverging the most guarded secrets in American politics

there was food stuck to my root-canal molar

people wept in horror

i was reminiscing about a past life ending

when i first saw the cloudâ?¦

there will be some staged investigation, controversial retaliation, with public remorse and bitter questioning instead of acting

i imagine myself disappear in the golden radiance of trust

but my body was submerged in a radio active cloud of dust

i despair in the shadow of hindsight

i clearly remember thy calling of insight

i blast off to another stratosphere, the universe whispers nothingness

i hear it loud and clear.

O' sweet blessed nothingness

we loose our love when we cower in fear

for falling is a process of very few years

quite suddenly the air is simply not breathable

and the consequences of our resistance

just a few short years ago...unfathomable

but unfortunately reality is non-refundable

our addictions to the freedom that was never really free

at least not entirely, have run astray

freedom is not ours to give

freedom can only be taken away

freedom is the self-less nature inherent in spirit evolving each day

twelve months long, three-sixty around

all of this decoration and culture, so easily ground

so easily bound to the fates of men

are we the only ones, who've learned to pretend?

did we ever value this remarkable phenomenon?

the growing momentum

our birth is residual

evolution unpardonable

the heartbeat goes onâ?¦unconquerable!

i refused to runâ?¦i just looked on

waiting for my eyes to be swept free and clean from this horror scene weâ??ve become
we have got to be

the most miserable of creatures

but we know now

none of it matters, we have all manifested our collective disasters

waiting for the sound repose, for the freedom we had, which was never free

never independently, we are just inherently brainwashed by crooked and unjust men

we are killing, consuming, forgetting machines trained like monkeys for the third world war

waiting for the next world tour

a tour we can be proud of

walk the streets at night with hats on

afloat with marketable poison and diplomatic treason

technology is about to enslave them, chemicals and neutrons imploding


Oâ?? Mother!

i've told them!

they who will cash in while the banks still have money, as if it really matters

you for example may think, well how bout that, i can buy this and i can do that,

but can i stay human?

O' my sweet humanity, it died last anniversary

O' my heart as it bleeds for the innocent, the less fortunate, and all the bundles of joy that come into this world without hope

afloat in the horror of our terrible dishonor

a world on its way toward extinction

and maybe for someone reading this

maybe the word extinction looks ordinary

looks like just another word on the page

another notion expressed

for vindication of overwhelming rageâ?¦

still the future is dying every morning in a timely fashion

and all the hobos are drunk and laughing

at the greatest city in the world

reduced to a pile of bloody ashes

and the rest of the countryâ?¦

well theyâ??re ok with the gassing

and all the ashen burned bodies, 'er-all-justa-passin

we're all so willing to believe that life was old fashion, about the next big thing for others, was about being comfortable in my nice warm bed, speeding lazily and waking up fed

we're all so willing to believe in a better way of life

when the truth is not so blue red and whiteâ?¦

the truth was always under the skin

was right under your thumb, and now youâ??ve finally figured it out,

watching the tv as your body goes numb

you finally noticed, or grown to except this

as you looked up toward the sky and began to cry

a black cloud covers the one thing that kept us all alive

O' lament, the once bright sun!

O' lament, we could've become!


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