A war on terror or more

by alone and above   Nov 9, 2006

Bombs are exploding in fragments of glass
Piercing everything in sight
In the town there were families
Unexpected terror in there eyes
But us the ones causing this horrific sight
Have no idea of what sadness we just dropped
Children were playing down the street
That was once filled with trees
And beautiful buildings are now a desolate wasteland.
A little girl ran to her mama scared and shivering
It was so loud so painful
She grabbed on to her mama and asked what was happening
She hugged and cried
They tried to console each other but in there hearts they knew
It was soon gonna be the end they looked at each other
And said their last good byes
They said I love you
They said don’t be scared
They said I’ll see you soon
People are screaming with unbelievable fear
Knowing that they will all be killed soon
Heart and soul ripped and beaten how can we live like this?
How can we say this is gonna change and make things better?
We are fighting the war on terror but from the looks of things we are causing it.
This world won’t ever change its never going to get better.
When this war is over I only hope it never starts again
To see terror in their eyes
To see the sadness in their hearts
To them this is the day that will live in


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