Born to catch lightning

by alone and above   Nov 9, 2006

Born to catch lightning
in the palms of her hands

releasing YOUR wisdom
with every song sang!

born to bring balance
born to run free
every color
of every creed

born to discover
born a prisoner
born to envision
born to bring peace
born to sit still under limbs of old trees

born to love!
with the light from above!
inspiration and muse!
triangles fuse!
to bring paradise upon you
to begin
i bring news!

born to hold up my earth
i was born to write
she was born to sing
from the strength of the SEA

with the power of 3
i WILL heal her sadness
for she will become ONE with ETERNAL
just as i became the cook

i was both the sheep and the Shepard
i was once tortoise
once the blue whale
once the porpoise

once the sea turtle swimming the tide
all for this lifetime
to finally KNOW why
i was once the falcon defending my nest
once the red wood forest
exhaling this breath
all these things and so many more
being both the entrance to
and departure door

i want to hold up these lungs and recharge the suns
i want to raise thy vibration and sing out thy chorus
a song so long ago written

so far from before us

visualizing circumference
knowing pure silence
spreading her wings

I was the farmer, the fisher, the settler, the bum

the soldier, the convict, the fulcrum of ONE
the pouring of water upon the sun

don't let me forget
until that day dawns
i chose to except

and the drops of rain are meshed with my tears
which have been falling on earth for
31 million years

with GOD as her strength

with faith in LIGHT
i WILL play out this part

and accomplish this plight

as the universe bares witness

from the womb of my love
what shall we call paradise?
from the womb of above!
from the womb of salt water!
the answer


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