
by alone and above   Nov 9, 2006

There's always those times were we sit and ponder
why do these things have to happen so quickly
people are here one minute then gone the next
like on Oct,19,1999 my uncle came to my house
I didn't know why but when I found out I just collapsed
I never would of thought today was the last day I saw my

There's always those times we sit and think
are they watching us?
well truthfully I like to think so because it
makes me feel safe.
but I also think why god did she die so soon
I wanted her there when I graduate
I wanted her there when I was in the hospital
I wanted her to be with me when I volunteer
Just like the old times when I was three
you got me started you got me to learn to
share my love now I have shared many hours of time
500 hours of which you were with me now all I do
Is help in loneliness because everywhere I turn
I cant see you
where you used to be your not there
where we used to laugh your not there
where you used to sit your not there

its been six years since you have been gone
and I have never healed cause we just spent my life
together really we were never apart
but now it seems we are far apart
but In my heart I know your there

there's always those times I sit and wonder
why you had to leave then
It was only three days before my birthday
some birthday present
as I sat by your bed side
you slowly grabbed my hand and said
"Annie you stay strong and remember to keep doing our work"
well I have been grandma I have but its hard cause you were always there
but this is the only way I keep your spirit with me
so I keep doing our work just to keep you alive inside me

there are times I sit in my room and stare into the distance
and then slowly begin to see your face
I smile cause its getting late and its time for bed
as I lay down I fall asleep with a smile cause I have you inside my head.


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