You & me

by wild angel   Nov 9, 2006

You & me
why couldnt i see
you & me
how could i not see we are meant to be
you & me
together all this time
you & me
we\'ve been best friends forever
you & me
you always had this thing for me
you & me
why couldnt i see you have always been there for me
you & me
i hope things stay the same 4ever
you & me
why couldnt we just see
you & me
oh yeah you did see i was just blind
you & me
im sorry i broke your heart
you & me
but now i can see we are ment to be
you & me
yes dear we are meant to be!!

-hey guys i know not to good but this guy i have known forever has always liked me and i never really liked and now were going out and i like him alot i wish i could have seen it sooner


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