The Fight Often Lost

by ShootingStar179   Nov 9, 2006

The gun was in her hand,
It'd be all over in just a second,
That's all she could understand.

The phone echoed in her ear,
Who could it be?
That was her one and only fear.

She was refusing to answer
But the thought was there,
moving like a slow cancer

She picked up the phone,
cursing herself for it,
Quickly she heard a friend's soft tone.

"Are you okay? I'm worried."
"Yes I'm fine."
She could be done if she hurried.

"I care about you."
"No one does."
"I do and I love you too."

She couldn't stand it,
Why was he doing this?
Why was she listening to it?

The conversation has just begun,
She said he was a great friend,
He got her to put down the gun.

She never picked it up after that night.
This boy saved her life
He helped her win the fight.


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  • 18 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    [[ I hope this is the right one you wanted me to r/r/c. ]] I especially like this poem because I can somewhat relate to it. Very well written and filled with such great emotions!!. 5/5*

  • 18 years ago

    by Jackie Marie

    Awww he saved her life. =] That's cute. Oh sorry. Haha. Good job. It was a good poem. You are a good writer. Keep it up and it will take you far. =]


  • 18 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    A great read! is it true? Well, i like the way you made this poem tell a story. And i like the ending, im glad the boy saved her life :) . An excellent read! Keep it up! xx

  • 18 years ago

    by ßeAuTiFuLlY~bRoKeи

    Wow.. true story? it's very good i think you have a talent for writing

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