/Untitled but dedicated\

by Haleigh   Mar 20, 2004

Our anniversary is in two days,
I have just one thing left to say,
I don't want to sound mean,
But I'm only thirteen,
Six months is a little to much for me,
I'm not ready for commitment you see,
The past month hasn't been to great,
Feeling to many emotions and this I hate,
Your attitude about us has changed I know,
When I think about us I feel so low,
I think we should take a break,
At least until there is no more heartache,
When we broke up last time,
I felt as though I had committed a crime,
It broke my heart,
Now it's different because I'm the one saying we should be apart!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Mimi112

    I really like this poem. Keep on writing, it's always awesome ! xXx