The Eyes of A Sullen Mother

by Jenni   Nov 9, 2006

Walking across the land that is ours,
Too tired to continue fighting wars.
The soil that they unrighteously took,
They are cold ruthless crooks.
We are sent away time after time,
There is no more land that I can call mine.

My sons and daughters are growing weak
the sharp rocks keep hurting their feet.
I've already lost my husband and mother,
I am not prepared to lose another.

The winter air brushes across my face
At once I believed we were a good race.
The white men have dominated
Now we have been concentrated.

This route cannot go on forever
My mind and heart pray for something better.
The dirt road begins to unwind.
This land is what I needed to find.
this Nunna Daul Tsuny finally ends,
but my scars will take more time to mend.

The white men took all my worth,
they ravaged this land and all the earth.
If I am the savage then what are they?
Will my people still fall to them as prey?

I will find a place to grow older,
build a shelter so I won't get colder.
Oklahoma is my new home,
I have no place else to roam


This is a poem i wrote for my English class, it's about the Cherokee on the trail of tears. honest opinions please!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah Ann

    The white men took all my worth,
    they ravaged this land and all the earth.
    If I am the savage then what are they?
    Will my people still fall to them as prey?

    The most profound words of the whole poem. In the past and now, that stanza can be applied to life. Beautiful words, wonderful job. You well deserved the win in that contest.

  • 18 years ago

    by Allison

    This is a very beautiful poem. It had a very unique topic, I don't believe I've ever read a poem about The Trail of Tears. It flow nicely and the rhyming was good. Keep up the wonderful writing. *5/5*


  • 18 years ago

    by Avrii Monrielle

    It's sad... but good! It's amazing how you were able to rhyme everything so easily.

    if u can, plz read 'To Be Free'... it's primarily about the Holocaust, but also about captivity.


  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    This poem makes you think:
    The white men took all my worth,
    they ravaged this land and all the earth.
    If I am the savage then what are they?
    Will my people still fall to them as prey?

    There are sooo many stupid mistakes that America has made. It's hypocrisy to me. I have a poem called Exclusion. It's really not that good, but I was bored, and I watched a video on it. It would be nice if you could check it out and tell me what you think. Most of it is factual more than emotional, I think. I haven't read it in so long.

  • 18 years ago

    by Bridget

    Hey i thought this poem was really good! great imagery in there, and great rhyming with a good flow.. 5/5 :)