Comments : I would be upset

  • 18 years ago

    by girl

    This is my best poem out of all of my others i think anyways well i personaly like comments better than votes and every one who has commented mine have commented there's and voted so atleast do one you can even tell me if it sux but sum constructive critisim would be nice

  • 18 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    I don't know how but this poem is so much more different then any poem i've ever read...GREAT JOB

  • 18 years ago

    by Vonnie McHugh

    Tenten you write so beautifully for one so young keep up the great work

  • 18 years ago

    by shay

    Hey there excellent poem you got there, thanx for commenting on some of mine, you have a great tallent. and dido on the friendship. love *shay*

  • 18 years ago

    by Kylie

    I really like this poem. I'm not quite sure why, there's just something about it that makes it really neat!


  • 18 years ago

    by girl

    101 peeps viewed 3 people voted!!!!!! ugh i hate the world and it's cruelty 2 me! some day when i conquere the world people will not ask me such foolish questions lyk~"would you lyk cheese on ur taco"!...........................................................stupid people at taco bell!

  • 18 years ago

    by Tasha

    Wow! That's really deep. Great job. Keep up the awesome work! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by invisible shadow

    Your an awsome poet!! I love it... And dont worry, i want to read your poems, its not so much of a facor.. LoL... && No i can not sing, unfortunatly. K well great poem 5/5 mouah (K)

  • 16 years ago

    by NinjaGirl

    I think this is an absolutely amazing piece of poetry from the start till the end. it painted a very vivid picture in my mind and the description simply made me gape in wonderment. the wording was absolutely perfect and the rhyme was brilliant. for the last stanza though,

    "If I were to die today
    I do think I'd be upset
    For I just saw my last sunrise and saw my last sunset"
    ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
    i think that you should press enter between the word "sunrise" and "and" then it would flow better and not look like a really radom long line.

    a very beautiful piece with brilliant description and vivid imagery.


    Keep Writing, lovely
    As Always,