
by AloneInMySarrows   Nov 12, 2006

Life is full of ups and downs,

Trials and tribulations.

Some believe it's all a test,

Full of revelations.

Is it all a dream,

With lots of valid sensations?

In the end do we go,

Without any hesitations?


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  • 17 years ago

    by unblue skye

    i love it!!! idk how to explain hhahah...
    plz check out sum of my poems! ^^


  • 17 years ago

    by Debbie

    Reading this piece reminds me of a certain person wondering about the essence of Life and then writing his/her thoughts down on a sheet of paper so to preserve this fleeting moment. It certainly strucked a chord with me because I've been there as well, asking the same questions as yours. I just thought that there's too much telling rather than showing.
    I quite liked it though. Nice work, nonetheless. =]


  • 17 years ago

    by robin milford

    Great poem brief but to the point

  • 17 years ago

    by Anonymous Angel

    a nice little poem, but I think It could be better if you make it longer, but thats just my opinion, 4/5
    kisses stephanie

  • 18 years ago

    by dying beauty

    I dont know do we go??
    -dying beauty

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