Last Struggle

by Elizabeth   Nov 12, 2006

Sitting by the window
dressed in black
she stares out everyday
never looking directly into the faces
never smiling

he soul was ripped out
her heart bleeds everyday
he mascara runs
but she doesn't seem to notice

her family
sent her for help
but nothing seems to work
no one seems to care

she was left waiting
for you
but you won't return
you promised that

earlier she walked through
the house
emptying gas everywhere
but no one is there

no ones coming back
but no one cares
cause she is now invisible
no reflection

she lights her last cigarette
dropping her match to the ground
taking her first drag
the fire starts a blaze

she watches
flash-backs of her life
cries her tears
even with all the smoke
she inhales

her lungs struggle to breathe
she coughs
struggling to get out
of her last battle

but to late
she is trapped once again
caught on her last day
Last Day

her skin a fire
the flesh burns quickly
bubbling at the surface
she screams in agony

but no one hears her
she falls hitting her head on the floor
she is quickly licked up by the flames
Gone Forever

next day her folks return
to their house in ashes
walking around confused
they find a small locket necklace

her mother turns to look up
but her father has the same expression
for the first time she is
Not Invisible

for the first time she is known
but now she is forever gone
opening the locket
holds a small picture

Of the family she so desperately tried to know...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Babs Bunny

    I love this poem! Its so sad...