To the one who's hurting

by Chloe   Nov 12, 2006

When I look deep enough into your eyes, I see everything you had to go through.
I see the hurt, I see it so clearly, I see everything you had to see.
I see the wave of sorrow that washed over your heart every night, all those times you tried not to cry.
I see everything you once hoped of becoming, I see the crushed dreams of what you would never come to be.

The sorrow you have to bear on your shoulders, it's too heavy, let me carry it with you.
The stair that you are trying to climb, it lacks steps, let me build them for you.
I see your open wounds, my friend, let me put band-aid on them, I promise you, eventually - they'll heal.
I can't take all of your pain, but trust me, I would if that was possible.

In your heart I can see the memories of people you lost, I can see how much you're suffering,
But when you love someone from the bottom of your heart, you owe them to get back up on your feet.
The least you can show them is that life will go on, and that it will go on with you, not without you.
Live with their love, breathe with their help, and take a step towards the future.
The pain may not hurt less today than it did yesterday, maybe not tomorrow,
or the day after that. But it will hurt less as time goes by,
just take your pain and split it in two.
I promise my friend, the one who's hurting, - I will carry half of it with you.

- To my best friend.


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  • 13 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This poem really helps me understand more of what I should do, a friend of mine really needs my help and I feel like I'm lacking the ability to help her, if I could figure out how, I would

  • 18 years ago

    by Alicesjourney

    I can totally relate to this poem, but is not my best friend whose suffering.